Tag archives for school
My School Is Awesome
by Lyric My school is awesome! We have great teachers, easy-to-get-to rooms, and a very helpful staff. The Fifth grade hall has all of the C.H.A.M.P.S (computers, health, art,...
by Sebastian My name is Sebastian and I go to a Georgia school. I’m in fourth grade. My teachers name are Mrs Thompson and Mr. Hardin. I like going...
The Top Ten Worst things and Top Seven Best Things About 4th Grade For Me!
written 5/1/19 by Lola Top 10 Worst Things Having Homework and its due the next day Bringing your lunch and it’s nacho Day Maps testing Milestone testing You can’t...
Top 10 worst and best moments about fourth grade
written 5/2/19 by Maleya Arriving at School Your teacher giving you homework that is due the next day Maps test In School Suspension (ISS) Milestone When you...
written 5/2/19 by Chris The worst things: Getting up. I find the most comfy spots in my bed in the morning. Morning work. Why can’t I just read? Quizzes...
5 worst and best moments at school in fourth grade
written 5/1/19 by Landin Top 5 worst things Getting Homework and it’s due the day after its given out Maps test Milestones Waking up When the teacher makes you...
4 worst and best moments at school in fourth grade
written 5/1/19 by Sophie worst 1. On the first day of school I was minding my own business and eating my food when out of nowhere my friend spills...
Day in school
written 4/10/19 by Aiden My day in school starts with waking up in the morning and going to my bus when we get to school and walk in i...
Day in school
written 4/10/19 by Abby Williams My school day is like this. What I do at school so i will get on the bus and pick up kids and then...
My School Day
written 4/10/19 By.A.S. Some school days are different but this is mine. First, I walk into school and go to my classroom, then I hang up my bookbag...