The World of Coke
By Cloee
One day when I was nine years old we went to the World of Coke. I was with my two sisters, my step-mom, and my dad. We had to wait in a huge line. It took us a long time. When we got inside we tasted different kinds of Coke. When my Dad tasted a Coke from Japan it made him gag. We all started to laugh. There was a type of Coke that was from Italy and it did not taste good at all. After that we went to the 3-D movie that showed us how a Coke was made and in the movie it showed bubbles coming to you and my little sister reached out for them. I started to giggle a little. We went into this huge vault. It showed when the coke was made. And how long it has been around. Then we got a picture with the polar bear that was on the Coke cans. My tiniest sister started to cry because she was afraid of him. After that we went to the room where you could smell different Cokes. There was one that smelled like bubblegum. But then we had to go home. That was a very fun day.
Image by Csaba Nagy from Pixabay
I really loved your post. I actually love coke, I actually went to that exact same place one time! The blog post was the best post I have read yet. Your dad’s face exprestion was the exact expresion I made when I tasted tha one.