by Camara

description of family using emojis

This is my family in emoji  and all the stuff we did in life before anything crumbled. My mom graduated from  college my dad left when I was a baby he got married to my step mom I have two sisters and one brother as you can see in the picture the new born baby girl dad is not married, he is still with my mom. My favorite food sushi and shrimp well mostly seafood my sister’s favorite food is  pizza and chicken my brother favorite food is bananas . We had our first christmas with our brother we were so happy that our family was together . A few months later it started to snow that was really fun the last time it snowed our mom did not let us go outside because it was too cold we were so sad but this year we have more clothes we went outside and we played with each other we were so happy we build with our first snowman it started to snow again and we did not want to get buried in snow so we went inside we drink hot chocolate . A year later we had my birthday and I was so happy my mom got me this pretty new dresses we went to chucky cheese and had pizza we had so much fun we will never forget that day this is my story.
