by Adalyn

up and down elevator buttons

My mom,my grandmother, and I were at the mall and we were walking around because we were shopping. An hour later I went to get on the elevator because my mom told me too. But, as I turned around to talk to them they were not  in the elevator with me so I pushed the button to go up. As I realized that my mom and grandmother were not in the elevator with me I panicked. But when I looked at everything it was blurry! I could feel the elevator vibrate when the doors were closing and my hands were sweating. So I was trying to press the open button on the elevator. But It did not open. When it did not open I started crying because I was scared and the mall was so big. But, there were also strangers and I thought that I was stuck in the elevator with no body to help!So when my mom and grandmother realized I was on the elevator they started pressing the up button so that it would open and finally it opened. And now to this day I do not get on an elevator without knowing that an adult is coming with me.
