About Me: Gabby
by Gabby
G ood person
A lso loves school, but hates to be home schooled
B etter at since than reading
B rillant at Math
Y ong
Here’s a couple of things About Me. I love going to the mall , but I am not a people person that much. I’m also in the fourth grade. My family is really funny and crazy, especially my cats. Their names are Spicy, Punk, Mittens, Peek-a-boo, and Popeye. Spicy(or Chubby is his nickname) is orangish and a little yellow , but Punk is his brother they also are bob tailed most people think we cut it off but we didn’t. Punk looks like a red or a dark orange he has white on his nose, feet, and stumke. Peek-a-boo is brown and white and she’s like punk too but she has a stripe on her forehead. Mittens is black with a white stripe on her nose as she has white feet. Popeye is black and very fluffy. We have two dogs named Jax and Harley. Jax is my dog. He’s a PitBull. He’s like me, not a people person and he loves to sleep. He also eats anything like dirt, grass, and sometimes rocks. He doesn’t like anyone except for me. I think my animals are family. I know not, but they are to me. Harley is a really friendly dog. He’s a Blue nose PitBull.
I’m spoiled by my dad, my step mom, my aunt and uncle , my grandmother, and my mom.I try not to show that I am.
I am a little city and a little country I was born between Georgia and Alabama me and my dad loved goin muddin on a four wheeler it was really fun I wish we can still do that because he lives Atlanta and that’s the big city there’s not no were we can go muddin and we don’t even have a four wheeler my dad may buy me one one day. I’m mostly country so is my family except for one aunt, my step mom,and my sister. Me and my dad are just alike. She takes me out to eat and gets me food from Subway or Mexican.
My friend Maddie is like a twin to me. She likes anything that I like. She is the best friend I always wanted. We are also the same and we both also like to do the same things. We like the same music, same art, same exercises, the same color and the same music.
My ant used to work at school. She’s really fun. Every time I see my Ant or Uncle even both I get excited more than I get excited when we do math with Mr. Moon he and Mrs. Thompsan are the best of the teachers, so are Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Puegh also Mrs. Worthy all of them are real fun. This has been the best year ever and it’s the best school ever.
Two Truths and A Lie
I love going to the mall but i’m not a people person.
I love my teachers at all my four schools that iv’e been to.
I lived in Calaforniae for 5 years.
I think that on 2 truths and a lie the lie is that u love going to the mall but ur not a people person.