Updated About Page
by Mrs. Bentley
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Fifth graders in two classes collaborated to update our About page with a slideshow about where we live: Georgia, in the United States. Individuals picked different topics and each created a slide using Google Slides. They had been learning how to search for Creative Commons images for another project and used that new knowledge for this project. They finished this about a week before our school closed due to the CoVID-19 pandemic. Enjoy.
About Our State: Georgia
Good morning,
Wow! Fantastic project! I have only viewed it once so far, but wanted to tell you how impressed I am, before I go back and check it out again and again. I love the variety and quality of the information. There are so many things I did not know about Georgia. Well done everyone.
How are you guys doing now that school is closed and you are ‘social distancing’? What are you doing to stay busy?
I live in southern Alberta, Canada. We are also doing all of those things. One of the things I am doing to stay busy is commenting on blogs.
Student blogging challenge commenter
Hi Mrs. Bentely’s Class!
I love the slideshow. It’s so pretty and cool. I didn’t know that much about Georgia until I saw your slideshow. It’s amazing!
Hi Mrs. Bentely’s Class
I Love how y’all did the slideshow I wish i did one that is how cool it is and I live in Tallapoosa and I love it here you would too.