by Kaylee

Christmas table drawing

Every Christmas my family has a lot of presents for me. Then we put up our tree after Thanksgiving. When we have christmas me and my sister lay in the bed and wait till christmas the next morning. My family has christmas we all have it at my uncle’s house. Next when we have christmas they have  lights all around there house. When we have our christmas tree up we leave it up for about 1-10 . Then we take down the christmas lights off around our house. My family loves christmas we do alot for it we are thankful we have christmas everyday. We celebrate christmas every year we enjoy what we get for christmas. If we don’t get a lot of presents we understand why. We don’t do a lot of christmas decorations but we do the lights still and we go all out for it and other holidays but this one to. We have the type lights where they are all different colors around our christmas tree. But sometimes we will get some part white and part of all different ones  like half and half . Then we go out to eat at like 6:30 out to eat on Christmas night and then we go to different places each time just what the family agrees on anything to eat. So we pretty much have like just a family’s night really. This is what we eat for christmas we have some type of candy I don’t know what it is called then we have chicken dumplings and mac and cheese and then we have all different kinds of sodas to drink. Then I am going to tell what it tastes like the mac and cheese tastes like very cheesy mac and cheese then my chicken and dumplings tasted like heaven and my the type of candy is like cornflake candy that’s how they taste some of the candy is brown some is mms candy . Then the mac and cheese look kinda yellow like regular mac and cheese then chicken and dumplings look like they are just white.
