by Sophie

jar of hand cream

Most people know what eczema is, but for people who do not know it is a place on your body that has very dry skin. Here are some tips if you have eczema and you do not know what to do. To start with, you can not have really hot showers because it breaks out your skin, and if it’s really long showers  that makes it worse. So I suggest that when you get out of the shower pat your skin to dry it, and then put some cream on. Next, put on lotion after you wash your hands. When you wash your hands with certain smelly soap tiny bits of your skin peel off. Then it gets really itchy and when you scratch it your skin peels off more. When you put lotion on it it comes smoother and not that itchy so bits of your skin do not peel off. Now you know what to do you you have eczema. 

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 
